The recent case of a father who was sentenced to prison for his daughter's anti-war drawing illustrates Russia's internal wartime legislation and the severe cuts to freedom of expression in the country. DW Riga Bureau Chief juri_rescheto reports.
that read"Glory to Ukraine," and in between, she drew a woman with a child targeted by Russian missiles.The school administration reacted promptly. The very next day, Masha's father Alexei Moskalev was summoned. He and his daughter were questioned by the police and the youth welfare services. Moskalev, a single father, was accused of not having raised his daughter well.
About twelve people from the Federal Security Service and some policemen got out of the cars and headed for our entrance. They had an angle grinder. I immediately understood that they were here for us." Moskalev said that the officers were not delicate during the search, pulling clothes out of the closets, tearing pictures from the walls and overturning furniture. He added that they confiscated savings worth about $3,150 with made them suspicious. During a later interrogation, he was asked where the money was from and whom he was working for. He was knocked against the wall and to the ground. Immediately afterwards the two decided to flee and went into hiding in a neighboring town.
On March 27, after deliberating for just one day, the court decided on the sentence: two years in a penal colony for the single father. The verdict was announced a day later in the defendent's absence. According to the court, Moskalyov had fled the night before.Olga Podolskaya, a member of Yefremov's city parliament, was shocked at the verdict."A real prison sentence for an opinion on the internet, that's just terrible!" she told DW. She said that she was particularly concerned about Masha, whom she had repeatedly tried to contact.
ประเทศไทย ข่าวล่าสุด, ประเทศไทย หัวข้อข่าว
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